Happy Birthday! to my dear and devoted friend Becky, who has been putting up with my nonsense since kindergarten.
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Happy Birthday! to my dear and devoted friend Becky, who has been putting up with my nonsense since kindergarten.
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Want stuff with this chart on it? Check out the League Store.
It took awhile to respond to your requests for "Smart Food" merch, but the League Store has now been duly stocked.
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From this humble beginning...
The League Begins
...to this, in only 365 days!
The League Continues: One Year In
Seriously, folks: thanks so much for being part of this grand experiment!
Believe it or not, I've just barely scratched the surface.
See all blog birthdays here.
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Happy Birthday to My Brother,
who has inspired more League episodes than I'll ever be able to depict.
(click on image to see in full screen)
All work by The League of Lost Causes is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0