See all blog birthdays here.
Happy Fourth Birthday, Blog. /
See all blog birthdays here.
Happy Third Birthday, Blog. /
Hey, thanks for sticking around, everyone! Big ideas for the year ahead.
See all blog birthdays here.
Happy Second Birthday, Blog. /
See all blog birthdays here.
Omphaloskepsis /
(click on image to enlarge)
Facts that can be gleaned about my preschool self from a plate I made thirty-one years ago this month:
1. I acknowledged the existence of my older brother,
2. I was hyper-attuned to navels and nostrils, and
3. My grasp of human anatomy was otherwise tenuous at best.
All these years later, two out of three are still true!
Happy birthday, mybrother.
Thanks for the endless fodder, and I'm glad you actually have extremities and a neck.
SMS vs. MOM /
2012: My mom attempts her first text message. I am too baffled to respond.
A year passes.
2013: My mom tries to tell a cousin: "We are here." Instead, this happens.
2014: ?
Happy birthday, Mumsy!
Maybe this will be the year you finally figure it out.
Though the part of me that loves laughing hysterically kind of hopes you never do.
What a difference a day makes... /
Happy Birthday! to my dear and devoted friend Becky, who has been putting up with my nonsense since kindergarten.
(click on image to see in full screen)