Oh, mom.
literally thought a stranger's toddler had been sending me gibberish texts for past 2 days. turns out, my mom got a new phone. #truestory
— League of LostCauses (@TheLeagueOfLC) December 18, 2013
Oh, mom.
literally thought a stranger's toddler had been sending me gibberish texts for past 2 days. turns out, my mom got a new phone. #truestory
— League of LostCauses (@TheLeagueOfLC) December 18, 2013
2012: My mom attempts her first text message. I am too baffled to respond.
A year passes.
2013: My mom tries to tell a cousin: "We are here." Instead, this happens.
2014: ?
Maybe this will be the year you finally figure it out.
Though the part of me that loves laughing hysterically kind of hopes you never do.
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This was originally posted back in May, but was removed from the site when I realized that it had been co-opted by the Russians as some sort of hacker portal. The Internet is a strange, strange place.
Anyway, for the sake of completeness, here it is again.
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Donated to relief efforts yet? Here's a quick & easy way to help: American Red Cross Disaster Relief.
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Average number of phone calls I make and/or receive per day: <1
My stress level at having no phone on hand: entirely disproportionate to that statistic.
All work by The League of Lost Causes is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0