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Plot Twists /
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How’s everybody doing?!
It’s been awhile! After 68 weeks deep in the liminal space, The League is slowly resurfacing—fully vaccinated and ready to begin a new chapter. It’s nice to be back.
Happy Eighth Birthday, Blog. /
See all blog birthdays here.
My Annual Foray into Sports /
On the one hand, we're all doing terribly. But on the other, I'm currently losing the least, which just goes to show that the universe really is just a roiling mass of entropy. In case there was any doubt. Which lately there has not been.
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Spinning /
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Winging It /
The last-minute cobbling together of this year's Christmas "tree" from dumpster scraps, an antique broom handle, and generous quantities of duct tape is almost too perfect a metaphor for our times than I can bear.
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Happy Holidays, folks.
Here's to keeping it together, against the odds.
Fun for the Whole Family /
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