Unwrinkled by Time /
Finally closed this 1980s wormhole yesterday.
Three decades is a totally normal amount of time to hang on to one’s elementary school valentines, right?
Farewell to a Fine Feline /
Miniver (August 2007 to June 14, 2018)
Orphaned as tiny kittens in the wilds of upstate New York, Miniver and her brother Cheevy were adopted by my brother shortly thereafter and took happily to their new life of modern urban domesticity, unlike their poetic namesake. Together they lived on three coasts, tested the weight limits of several airlines, and helped welcome my sister-in-law and nephew to the family.
Miniver loved food, faucets, and floss--and was slowly coming around to toddlers. Much like her human aunt, she adored sleeping and was very good at it. The yin to her brother's yang, and a calming influence on all, she will be much missed.
Winging It /
The last-minute cobbling together of this year's Christmas "tree" from dumpster scraps, an antique broom handle, and generous quantities of duct tape is almost too perfect a metaphor for our times than I can bear.
(click on photos to enlarge)
Happy Holidays, folks.
Here's to keeping it together, against the odds.
Catless Lady /
Ginger (~1999 to August 24, 2016)
Her early years passed amongst New York City's criminal element, Ginger spent the next twelve basking in a decidedly more tranquil life, the only vestige of her gritty background a strident, weaponized meow. She was a world-class nestler and top-notch napper, but would spring into action at the merest hint of a measuring tape, her chase toy of choice (runner up: rulers). A devotee of dairy products, Ginger had recently been introduced to spray whipped cream and thoroughly approved. We shared a fondness for croissants.
Across three states and nine homes, this intrepid feline selflessly assessed the quality of my beds, expertly trained me to indulge her very particular water-drinking preferences, warmed my lap, and calmly tolerated my shenanigans.
Ginger was as devoted and adoring a companion as they come. She will be deeply missed.
Not Impressed /
Trying out the new @instagram Trump filter; pretty blah.
— League of LostCauses (@TheLeagueOfLC) December 10, 2015
Schnoz Paws (TM): You Saw It Here First /
(click on images to enlarge)