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Why e-Readers Will Never Win Me Over /
Recently, this Slate article introduced me to the artist Nina Katchadourian, whose work is infused with a whimsical sense of humor that is utterly delightful. All of her projects are worth checking out, but the Sorted Books series is particularly dear to my heart...
...reminding me as it does of that time I noticed this happy accident on my own bookshelf:
Yay for books!
Fighting Fire with Fire /
People of the Internet:
A surprising number of you requested a more overtly aggressive line of vehicular embellishments. Who am I to judge? I have obliged you thusly: Bumper Stickers for Conflict Seekers are now available. Display at your own risk.
Nepotism's Downside (REDUX) /
This was originally posted back in May, but was removed from the site when I realized that it had been co-opted by the Russians as some sort of hacker portal. The Internet is a strange, strange place.
Anyway, for the sake of completeness, here it is again.
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Uninformed Consent /
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When Good Pranks Go Bad /
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