Finally closed this 1980s wormhole yesterday.
Three decades is a totally normal amount of time to hang on to one’s elementary school valentines, right?
Finally closed this 1980s wormhole yesterday.
Three decades is a totally normal amount of time to hang on to one’s elementary school valentines, right?
(click on image to see in full screen)
May you be cozy and well fed, at any depth.
Other years summed up here.
Other years summed up here.
The last-minute cobbling together of this year's Christmas "tree" from dumpster scraps, an antique broom handle, and generous quantities of duct tape is almost too perfect a metaphor for our times than I can bear.
(click on photos to enlarge)
Happy Holidays, folks.
Here's to keeping it together, against the odds.
Was going to go with "one interminable scream," but the typography was disappointing.
So instead here is a record of my increasing reliance on Netflix escapism and kittens.
Congrats on surviving the year, folks. It's been...memorable.
Other years summed up here.
Still reeling in horror from recent events, but the 140-characters-or-less medium has proven a less daunting one to tackle.
Area grocery stores have been cleared of butter, in case anybody was wondering how Americans plan to make it through Thanksgiving this year.
— League of LostCauses (@TheLeagueOfLC) November 22, 2016
All work by The League of Lost Causes is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0