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romantic travails
Year in Review: 2015 /
Another one down!
Other years summed up here.
The League Guide to Fresh Starts /
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What's Going On With the League /
Well hello there.
As some of you may have surmised, The League is in transition. This has not been entirely straightforward, because me. Headquarters, dismantled in July, will remain so for a bit longer. In the interim, brothers have been wed, speeches given, babies visited, space-time bent, essential cords for useful technology misplaced. I've slept on two floors, one roof and nine beds in five states; the cat, slightly fewer. We abide, but grow weary of doing so out of suitcases.
Much of this is due to resolve over the next few weeks. Thanks for your infinite patience! Vast improvements in League post frequency are planned from its more northerly vantage point. Though you'll perhaps be disappointed to learn that my new neighbors seem to be the quiet and unassuming type.
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Our Bottles, Ourselves /
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Letting Go Is Overrated /
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Year in Review: 2014 /
Happy New Year, People.
Other years summed up here.