Other years summed up here.
Ascendant Descendants /
After a third (!) appearance as NASA's Astronomy Picture of the Day last week and enough new eyes on this site to temporarily overwhelm my notifications (hello, new followers!), I’m happy to share the newest translation of the League's sky chart. Efcharistó to Ntinos Makropoulos of AstroVox for taking astronomy back to its roots with this Greek version.
Astronomy Endures /
Although the posting of this second Turkish version of The League’s sky chart is much-delayed, the content is ever-timely! Many thanks to Abdullah Uçar and Muaz Erdem of the Takiyüddin Astronomy Society (TAKAT) for their expert translation back in early 2019.
After being out in the world for 8 years in 14 (known) languages, this particular brainchild remains The League’s wunderkind. I like to imagine that somewhere in the reams of background material for the Pentagon’s recent UFO report is a printout that the task force used for handy reference.
As ever, The League welcomes further translations and will happily link back to any other versions (usually much faster than this time…). Please reach out in the comments or by sending a message here.
Turkish (posted on Twitter by @takatastronomi)
Plot Twists /
(click on image to see in full screen)
How’s everybody doing?!
It’s been awhile! After 68 weeks deep in the liminal space, The League is slowly resurfacing—fully vaccinated and ready to begin a new chapter. It’s nice to be back.
Happy Ninth Birthday, Blog. /
See all blog birthdays here.