Slings, Arrows /
For reasons I won't dwell on, the past ten days have been rather rough going for me.*
The League has suffered.
But then, at tonight's archery class, this happened!
Followed by all of this!
And as it turns out, the pretend slaughter of woodland creatures is really cathartic!
Even for vegetarians.
So I think we're maybe back on track now. Thanks for your patience.
There are surely big changes ahead for The League in 2014, when I'll have to adapt my drawing subjects and frequency to reflect the onslaught of wonderful, happy things that must be just around the corner.
But in the meantime, I've got a backlog of angsty delights to finish. Watch this space.
*don't worry, the cat's holding steady.
Misguided Guile /
VISA Fraud Prevention Services Has My Back /
As Seen on T.V. /
On the one hand, buying the Cat's Meow has won me triumphant little moments like this one:
But on the other, it has subjected my inbox to a whole new level of crazy.
My Cat Would Be a Subpar Spokesmodel /
As some of you already know, my second/other/remaining cat, Ginger, has been showing her age over the past few months, perhaps feeling left out of the recent spate of memorial posts.
Among other issues, Ginger has hyperthyroidism, which usually makes cats hyperactive and food-obsessed. Unsurprisingly, she opted for the less common "apathetic" version, which does the opposite. As a result she spends a lot of time lying around the apartment playing dead, which is about as delightful as it sounds. Nights have been long. So maybe it was inevitable that after seeing this commercial for the Cat's Meow toy dozens of times, I finally succumbed and ordered one:
How could I resist, really? The cats look so energetic! And the girls at the 1:15 mark are clearly having the best day of their lives.
After two days of watching Ginger's interactions with the new toy, it's obvious that she won't be featured in the ads anytime soon--but for a cat with pathological apathy, she sure makes a valiant effort:
A Very Good Bad Cat /
Maxee (~2000 to June 29, 2013)
Deemed a lost cause by an NYC shelter nine years ago, Maxee went on to help four apartments feel like home, keep my feet warm at night, and lick the bejeezus out of every soft fabric I owned. She was a skilled mouser, ant-er and ribbon-er who loved high perches, tiny boxes, and surprise attacks. She woke me up most mornings by systematically knocking my David Sedaris collection off the bookshelf, and thanks to her, brushing my teeth while standing normally will now always feel weird.
Max was quirky, quick and plucky till the end. She will be greatly missed.