Happy New Year, People.
Other years summed up here.
Other years summed up here.
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In the scheme of things, historically, this year's pie ultimately stacked up pretty well.
Though "heaped up" may be more accurate.
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I received a number of requests for poster versions of "Summer 2014." They are now available from the League Store, here. Please be advised that because I'm the one who drew it, the aspect ratio is not at all normal. Sorry about that. Despite the unusual shape, Zazzle still offers a choice of sizes and paper types, so at least you're covered on that front.
[note to mobile viewers: this post contains an embedded video]
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I think we can all agree that this has been a particularly rough stretch of time for our planet.
It's easy to feel overwhelmed.
These seven seconds help.
By popular demand, the above drawing is now available as a poster from the League Store.
Hey, guess what? The new & improved League site is finally good to go! Possibly at the expense of my nervous system, but totally worth it.
So go ahead: read posts that are actually aligned! click links with impunity! admire the new logo!
And if you are the nostalgic type, take a moment to bid farewell to the original League design, which I literally cut-and-pasted at my kitchen table late one night in March 2012.
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As a member of the Young Astronauts club back in 1988, I pretty much assumed that building model rockets, visiting an observatory, and tasting freeze-dried ice cream were about as far as my cosmic inclinations would ever take me.
So I am both bewildered and thrilled to announce that The League's "sometimes-humorous but mostly-accurate" guide to the sky is today's Astronomy Picture of the Day over on the NASA-affiliated APOD site! The honor of being featured alongside galaxies and nebulae is, astonishingly, even cooler than those special lunch line passes of yore.
This NASAchievement caps a recent, inexplicable flurry of social media-fueled interest in The League that inundated me with so many Facebook notifications that I was sure I'd been hacked. To all my new fans: I'm sorry I thought you were robots. It's awesome that you're real, and thanks for joining the party!
NB: Original "Astronomy 101" post -- and links to its various translations (!) -- are here.
All work by The League of Lost Causes is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0