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The Etiquette Double Standard /
(click on image to see in full screen)
Notable Nosh /
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A variety of "Smart Food" options are now available in the League Store!
Never the Twain Shall Meet /
Temperature Makes No Sense /
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The fifth law of thermodynamics may be stated thusly:
if limited heat (h) is supplied to body, then very little work (w) will be done by body;
also, body will complain (C) a lot.
Or, simplified: >h ≈ 1/w + ∞C
Mortification as a Memory Aid /
Hey, remember that time I took the Japanese fashion world by storm?
Not only do I apparently still own the same stylish hair ornament some twenty years later, but it even looks just as I remembered!
I told you this stuff was true.
barrette as drawn
barrette for reals
Holiday Cheer /
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