Astronomy 101 by LoLC

(click on image to enlarge)

Internet access is unreliable in the great outdoors! Reference this handy flow chart on tangible objects from the League Store.

18 TRANSLATIONS AND COUNTING! Thanks to the efforts of everyone who's helped expand the global footprint (eyeprint?) of this chart. All known versions are listed below and more are always welcome--feel free to get in touch via comment or the League's contact page.  

  • Spanish, Italian, and Polish are here.

  • First Dravidian appearance: Tamil, here.

  • Joined shortly thereafter by Kannada, here.

  • Latvian joins in here.

  • Followed by Norwegian, featured here.

  • Arabic and Dutch are together, here.

  • Turkish, Hungarian, Portuguese and German versions are here, with only mild scolding.

  • A second, fully-authorized Turkish version can be found here.

  • Speak Greek? That one’s here.

  • Chinese and French join the collection here.

  • Hebrew is here.


"SOMETIMES-HUMOROUS BUT MOSTLY-ACCURATE": In June 2014, this sky guide enjoyed some cosmically impressive company over on the NASA-affiliated Astronomy Picture of the Day (APOD) site and the League shared its excitement here. A repeat appearance in September 2017 was a pleasant surprise; ditto for a third in November 2021. Thanks for continuing to expand the League’s universe, APOD!

My Cat Would Be a Subpar Spokesmodel by LoLC

As some of you already know, my second/other/remaining cat, Ginger, has been showing her age over the past few months, perhaps feeling left out of the recent spate of memorial posts.

Among other issues, Ginger has hyperthyroidism, which usually makes cats hyperactive and food-obsessed. Unsurprisingly, she opted for the less common "apathetic" version, which does the opposite. As a result she spends a lot of time lying around the apartment playing dead, which is about as delightful as it sounds. Nights have been long. So maybe it was inevitable that after seeing this commercial for the Cat's Meow toy dozens of times, I finally succumbed and ordered one:

How could I resist, really? The cats look so energetic! And the girls at the 1:15 mark are clearly having the best day of their lives.

After two days of watching Ginger's interactions with the new toy, it's obvious that she won't be featured in the ads anytime soon--but for a cat with pathological apathy, she sure makes a valiant effort: