Proving once and for all that I take napping to a whole new extreme, I have somehow managed to sustain a nerve injury most common to football players, car accident victims, and recently-birthed sleeping.
Because of course.
Though about as lost cause-y as it gets, this development is not great news for my League productivity (ironically?). Site repairs are on hold, and new posts may come even fewer and farther between than usual--but once I no longer have shooting pains down my arm I totally intend to make up for lost time. (Which there's been a lot of lately. Sorry about that.)
Anyway. Thanks for sticking with this crazy experiment of a blog through all its recent tribulations. To reward your patience, here's where all references to sloth should really lead:
Happy Second Birthday, Blog. /
See all blog birthdays here.
Omphaloskepsis /
(click on image to enlarge)
Facts that can be gleaned about my preschool self from a plate I made thirty-one years ago this month:
1. I acknowledged the existence of my older brother,
2. I was hyper-attuned to navels and nostrils, and
3. My grasp of human anatomy was otherwise tenuous at best.
All these years later, two out of three are still true!
Happy birthday, mybrother.
Thanks for the endless fodder, and I'm glad you actually have extremities and a neck.
Well, so much for February. /
Hi, people.
I'm still here.
The cat is still here.
We have been distracted by life, blizzards, saucers of milk, new bedding, etc.
But our lost causiness is very much intact, and The League has not been forgotten! In fact, a major design overhaul is in the works, so brace yourselves for that magnificence.
In the meantime, I finally got around to updating the League Store, which now boasts 68 (!) bumper stickers and several long since requested items, including "Complimentary" cards and wearable reminders of lab safety. So if browsing is your thing, that should help pass the time.
Thanks for being patient!
Year in Review: 2013 /
SMS vs. MOM /
2012: My mom attempts her first text message. I am too baffled to respond.
A year passes.
2013: My mom tries to tell a cousin: "We are here." Instead, this happens.
2014: ?
Happy birthday, Mumsy!
Maybe this will be the year you finally figure it out.
Though the part of me that loves laughing hysterically kind of hopes you never do.
Baloney Bamboni /
You know what makes for a really scary Halloween?
Finding, amongst one's old mix tapes, recordings from that regrettable stretch of time when one not only pretended to be an obnoxious radio d.j., but also made up a truly idiotic name.
Luckily for all of us, I can't figure out how to post audio clips.