Hi, people.
I'm still here.
The cat is still here.
We have been distracted by life, blizzards, saucers of milk, new bedding, etc.
But our lost causiness is very much intact, and The League has not been forgotten! In fact, a major design overhaul is in the works, so brace yourselves for that magnificence.
In the meantime, I finally got around to updating the League Store, which now boasts 68 (!) bumper stickers and several long since requested items, including "Complimentary" cards and wearable reminders of lab safety. So if browsing is your thing, that should help pass the time.
Thanks for being patient!
Things I Did Not Anticipate Needing to Write When I Awoke This Morning (or, Preteens Show Remarkably Poor Judgment) /
(P.S. Don't worry, they'll probably be fine.)
And for those who want to wear this reminder around the lab, here you go.
Games for Thin Walls /
(click on image to see in full screen)
Current record to beat: filling out the entire card in under an hour.
It's Only a Matter of Time /
Powerade Sports Drink Flavor or Winter Weather Event?
- Mountain Blast
- Green Squall
- Jagged Ice
- Infrared Freeze
- Mixed Berry
- Energy Punch
- Snow Storm
- Ice Storm
- Arctic Shatter
- Polar Vortex
Drink: 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 9
Weather: 10
Both: 3, 7, 8
Addendum /
Year in Review: 2013 /
Noncommittal Acknowledgment Through Statement of Facts /
(click on image to enlarge)
Send these greetings year-round with cards from the League Store.