Catless Lady /
Ginger (~1999 to August 24, 2016)
Her early years passed amongst New York City's criminal element, Ginger spent the next twelve basking in a decidedly more tranquil life, the only vestige of her gritty background a strident, weaponized meow. She was a world-class nestler and top-notch napper, but would spring into action at the merest hint of a measuring tape, her chase toy of choice (runner up: rulers). A devotee of dairy products, Ginger had recently been introduced to spray whipped cream and thoroughly approved. We shared a fondness for croissants.
Across three states and nine homes, this intrepid feline selflessly assessed the quality of my beds, expertly trained me to indulge her very particular water-drinking preferences, warmed my lap, and calmly tolerated my shenanigans.
Ginger was as devoted and adoring a companion as they come. She will be deeply missed.
GOP-smacked /
Living the Dream /
Happy Halloween!
To tiara and tail-wearers alike.
Our Bottles, Ourselves /
Schnoz Paws (TM): You Saw It Here First /
(click on images to enlarge)